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Just Remind Me? Moving Beyond Blame

December 5 @ 10:00 - 12:45


Course Introduction

Want to refresh some of the key ideas from TC1?

This workshop is designed for people who have previously completed a Bridge Builders Transforming Conflict 1/Transforming Church Conflict course. It’s one of a series called Just Remind Me?, offering opportunities to refresh and build on some of the key ideas from the foundation course and embed those ideas in our practice and local context.

Build on the foundation

Blaming others when things go wrong or when we feel uncomfortable is all too easy.  It pushes responsibility away – at least for a short time; but blame does little to address the real issues in a relationship or provide constructive ways to learn from what has gone wrong.

Drawing on insights from family systems, and communication skills, this short workshop will be an opportunity to reflect on the emotional processes behind blame, and why we so easily get caught up in the “web of blame”. We’ll explore how seeking to understand contribution rather than blame can lead to future focussed conversations which can help us move beyond blame – whether we are the blamed or the blamer.

Book for this workshop if you found you wish to develop your understanding of emotional processes and expand your communication skills in enabling potentially difficult conversations.



Running from 10:00am to 12:45pm, the programme includes presentation and an opportunity to reflect with others on practical examples and personal experience.

Main elements of the workshop:

  • Explore how insights on systems and emotional processes might bring a different framework to difficult conversations
  • A refresher on some of the key challenges of communicating feelings and impact without apportioning blame
  • Opportunities to work on practical examples and to share experience with others

Course Pre-work

Prior to the workshop it would be helpful for you to revisit the sections on Communications/Centred Speaking and Thinking in Systems in the Transforming Conflict 1/Transforming Church Conflict course manual. You will also be asked to bring examples from your own experience – more details will be given prior to the workshop.

Cost and Location

Cost £30. The workshop takes place online via Zoom. Details of the Zoom link will be circulated shortly before the event.

Please note: the workshop is only open to those who have previously completed our foundation course, Transforming Conflict 1 or its predecessor Transforming Church Conflict.

Booking and Cancellation

To apply, add a ticket to your cart below below. If you are subsequently unable to attend, please do let us know as soon as possible, in order to release a place for someone else.

If no more places are available and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please contact us on 020 3968 4999 or email richard@bbministries.org.uk.

If you experience any difficulty logging into our website, please contact us on 020 3968 4999.

Course Summary


5th December 2024




via Zoom

What You'll Learn

The programme includes presentation and an opportunity to reflect with others on practical examples and personal experience.

Attend this course if you want to:

Main elements of the workshop:

  • Explore how insights on systems and emotional processes might bring a different framework to difficult conversations
  • A refresher on some of the key challenges of communicating feelings and impact without apportioning blame
  • Opportunities to work on practical examples and to share experience with others

Book for this workshop if you found you wish to develop your understanding of emotional processes and expand your communication skills in enabling potentially difficult conversations.


Liz Griffiths

Liz Griffiths is Director of Training for Bridge Builders. She is an Anglican Priest and has a broad experience of both parish ministry and adult education. Liz has worked in city centre and urban estate parishes, and as Vice-Principal of the Eastern Region Ministry Course, helping to train ordained and lay ministers.

Pupert Ward

Rupert Ward is a Bridge Builders Training Partner. He leads a church in the centre of Edinburgh and has experience of training leadership groups in other churches & charities. He is a member of the International Association of Facilitators and has also trained in Counselling and Theology.

Course Timings

Key Dates:

The course will start at 10:00am and finish at 12:45pm


Costs & Booking


Cost: £30.00

Booking & Cancellation

To apply, add a ticket to your cart below below. If you are subsequently unable to attend, please do let us know as soon as possible, in order to release a place for someone else.

If no more places are available and you would like to be added to a waiting list, please contact us on 020 3968 4999 or email richard@bbministries.org.uk.

If you experience any difficulty logging into our website, please contact us on 020 3968 4999.


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